Friday, June 24, 2011

Sleeping with 100 people and hard rock. Lily.

Good news buddies, our hostel got permit to be open during summer! We were ready to go and protest at the city hall but all sorted out before (actually that's a pity because I would like to go on a protest, well ...).
What is the biggest dorm you have ever seen? I was really surprised when I saw more than 100 beds in ONE ROOM!!! Glad I don't have to sleep there just work, otherwise it would be crazy!

I found one thing I'm really into now - BINGO! Every Monday here at Irish pub are bingo nights. It's not like bunch of old people are sitting around tables and guessing numbers, no. It's a crazy party where you can win bottle of Jameson (yummy!), bottle of Baileys, 5 free beers or 500 EUR! I'm going there every Monday till I will get that bottle of Jameson!

Yesterday I went to hard rock concert and I realized that I miss it. I used to were going to such a concerts pretty often but that I skipped few years. The feeling yesterday when sound was going through my body was awesome. And I want to learn to play drums one day, definitely.

P.S. And again I heard that I'm so similar to Lily in HIMYM! Score! Thx, Bram.

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