Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Catch the sun and enjoy.

According to local people I'm a real Roterrdamer now. And reason for that is that I've tried the typical Rotterdam food. It's called kapsalon. It's a perfect dish after a party. It has many layers - fries, meet, cheese, lettuce and there was something else. It looks like the person who came up with this recipe was really drunk after a party and he/she just putted all the tasty things together (sounds like me :)) and started to sell this stuff. Looks weird, tastes good. If we're talking about food ... Few days ago I introduced my friends with my awesome dish - Guactwix. It's guacamole sauce + chocolate Twix. 2 out of 10 likes this stuff. I haven't found those lucky 2  here but I'm not giving up!One day I'll become famous with this dish!



Weather here is crazy. You never know what it's gonna be like the next day, so if you see sun from the morning and no big wind, and if you have a day off, you have to catch this chance and go somewhere. That is what I did few days ago. They even have came up with a new word for the weather in Rotterdam - grainy. That is gray + rainy, cause such a weather here is pretty often. I would say too often. 
Once I wanted to do a bike trip to Delft (small and cute city not far away from Rdam) but it was so windy that it was impossible to cycle and go against the wind is self murder. So, I took the train. Delft was SO cute city like small Amsterdam and full with students and cute guys. With a lot of small canals and bridges all over the Old city. Actually this was my first place where I took a tour with a guide. It was a boat tour through the Old town. And was cool to be on the other side - to feel as a tourist and to listen to the guide and imagining how I look in tourist eyes.


The sunny and warm day I was talking about, was few days ago and we made a bike trip to Kiderdijk. That is a place in countryside not really far away from Rdam with a lot of wind meals. To get there we had to take a water buss what was so awesome! I had a feeling that I'm flying on the water. And you can take a bike on a boat without paying extra money. It was too perfect to be true, of course after few meters we noticed that Sebastians bike tire is empty. But it was still fun - to chill out on the street while Sebastian is looking for bike stores in small villages, and he was lucky. County side here is nice but not so green as in Latvia, well ... here is not so many trees. And that remind me that I will miss Midsummer celebration this year :(

wind meals

empty tire

chilling on the street


Last week here was a festival - Dunya and surprisingly it was a sunny day cause usually every year it rains exactly on this day but this year (I think it's cause of us) it was nice. Here is a lot of festivals and the season is just starting but it's different here. On festivals here everyone is pretty sober (comparing to Latvias festivals and of course it's hard to get drunk from Heineken 0.2) and also they end up early. Like in Dunya festival the last band was playing at 20:20. I was wandering - why?! And there is a reason of course - crazy people and shooting. Some time ago people got crazy at festivals and started to shoot with guns on each other, usually it happened late, so that's why here is such a festival policy now. Scheisse!

crazy guy

Dunya festival.

Last week one of my Latvian friends came to visit me and it was so weird to speak in Latvian again. When I was saying something about the city I had to translate from English to Latvian in my head. Nice.
One thing I miss when I have hangover is kefīrs. If you want to send me something, you definitely can send me the big pack of kefīrs :)

P.S. I heard that it's an awesome weather in Latvia at the moment, almost +30. Enjoy the summer guys and have a swim for me as well!

Your Soldža ;)

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