Friday, May 20, 2011

Chasing after a ship.

Finally it's sunny here :) Last few days has been completely dark and rainy and not cool at all. It's surprising how sun can change your mood. I still have problems with internet at my place cause it's impossible here to get a contract for half a year and our neighbors also doesn't seem interested in earning some money, so I'm sitting at R'dams library with a nice view in front of me. Library here is so awesome, can't wait when we gonna have our Castle of light in Riga.

I'm still discovering the city and looking for great spots for our tours what's gonna start in June. What is pretty soon already. There are some really cool places, I'm not talking about the city center but places around it - huge harbor area, big lake, old criminal looking factorys and other stuff. I felt pretty excited going with a bike under the river through Maastunnel what is 550m long and is 20m below sea level.
Talking of bikes - cycling culture here is so developed! I'm not using public tr-port at all just my bike. Everywhere where you'll go you find a road for bikes and even when you're driving on a street, there is such a feeling that bikes are the kings of the road not cars. I like it a lot! Would be cool if we had so good structure in Latvia. And people are not fat here! I believe it's because of cycling every day.

Last week I saw the smallest art gallery I have ever seen - it was on the wall outside of the bar. Each Friday at 8:30 there is a new exhibition opening - an artist who opens this "art gallery" what looks like a big frame with glass on it, puts in his artwork and people are standing around on the street, drinking beer and just watching. It was so cool.

We finally checked out some "must party" places. And here in R'dam is THE number one bar in the world according to Lonely planet - de Witte Ap /White Monkey/. Woohou! Going out here is pretty expensive and I still can't get used to those funny girl beers - 0.2l.

Looks like students here go out on Tuesdays and Thursdays /and also all the other days as well :D/. This Tuesday some couch surfing people showed me bit around and we end up in a place what is really similar to the French bar in Riga, just like 20 times better. There I met first Latvian here in Holland - of course tall, blond girl. I spoke with her for a while and what was really sad - when I asked her, is she's planning to go back to Latvia, she said - no, never. Here she can find a well paid job with no such a big problems as in Latvia. It's easier here. In that moment I felt kinda bad, that our country can't make such an environment so people wouldn't have to leave just to earn more than "enough". I'll definitely will go back. It's cool to travel around, live for a while in other places and see what's happening on this world but home is home and full happiness you can find there where is your home. Travelling gives inspiration, new experience and new ideas and that is what I love about it.

One day I was chasing a huge cruise ship with a bike. It was going through the city and view was incredible, it was about to pass the Erasmus bridge and I really wanted to see how that huge bridge will open, so  I figured out where I need to get to see that in a really close distance. When I got there /on a small island close to bridge/ I saw that cruse ship has stopped cause there was some kind of stupid cruise ship stop. I waited for 40min, hoping that it will start to move again, but nothing! Meanwhile I was studying some dutch what still is problem for me cause that pronunciation will kill me!

This time I have some pictures as well ;)

Historical parts of R'dam

Here are REALLY nice parks

New skyscraper each year

Erasmus bridge. Awesome in the night.

Skyline of R'dam + my bike.

Central library not Aqua park!

Cube houses. This architect was smart.

From left - Noa, me and Lenka.

woohou :)

Where is my handsome sailer?
Going under the river.


Noa, me, ship and skyscrapers. 
Our neighbor Sebastian from Belgium.

The roof is on a fire!

This is how looks my room :)
ciao :*

1 comment:

  1. Rotterdam seems to be a cool town! Enjoy it!
    And I DO really agree that travelling is fun, but emigration is totally another thing. For me it’s the same thing as for you: I know I’ll never leave my country. Home is home.

    Keep on writing! ;)

    Sasha From Russia.
