Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Everything happens for a reason, of course.

I spent this weekend with wonderful people from all over the world in Den Haag in a midterm training. It's a really nice city [mainly because the North sea is so close]. These more than 48 hours we spent together was amazing. We did a lot of cool stuff. One of my favorite ones was kickboxing despite after that I was totally exhausted and my only shirt was so wet that I had to wear my extra skirts as a shirt. And it looks like I don't do enough sports because my body still hurts a bit. But the most most awesome thing was one kind of a tour/workshop don't know how to call it, where we met some crazy and inspiring people.

First - Lucinda with beautiful lips. She's owner of her own book store about Suriname culture. She told us her story how she realized her dream she have been dreaming about for 9 years. All the stuff she said about feelings, signs, energy's etc. was so - yeah, you speak my language! But the main thing, she made me think of some things. She's already 4th crazy person who I met here in Holland with a crazy "dream business  come true story". Sign?


Second - Joe with excellent humor. He lives on island between North part and South part of Rotterdam. He's an artist and he owns an art gallery where he lives as well [gallery+house, nice]. He showed us around and told his story. It was more about how he sees the world and everything. Crazy guy with a good humor or as he would say - I'm just a fartist! In his gallery he'd build a big box in the air, where you can go in and charge your  energy. To get some and to give some. He's really serious about this, he will check you twice before he will let you in the box. He don't want to have bad vibes in his place. And his place was charming and very very peaceful. And the look is his eyes was the same. People on this island has their own money, of course Joe made it and spread it out. He also made flags for island [well, actually his wife is doing all the "hard working" stuff. He calls his wife - a dragon. A fartist and a dragon.] He's just playing this life with his own rules and feels happy about it. What else do you need?!
I will repeat, but craziness is one of the best qualities you can have.


And I've been thinking loads about what to do after my EVS because it's gonna finish in 27days and I don't really feel like going back home now. Not yet. And I'm pretty attracted to dutch people and culture. I like them! They are friendly and open. Don't want to loose people I've met. But life is life and everything goes as it has to go = as you want it to go. And we meet people for some reasons. Some of them will stay as your friends despite the location but some persons you just meet just to realize some thing about yourself. And they won't stay. And I need to let them go.

    After this weekend I'm full with so good emotions. People can give so much only with their company :]

P.S. And finally [in October] i enjoyed a swim in the North sea! Who would thought that summer will come here for a week in sept/oct.!

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