Monday, November 14, 2011

Next challenge accepted.

I guess this is my last post here, well at least adventures in Rotterdam are more or less finished.
Now I'm back in my home country, in Latvia/Riga  already for 2 weeks! [just realized that,wow, time fly's!] My EVS project in Rotterdam is done and I can absolutely with no doubt say that it was one of the best 6 month in my life for sure. 
This short period was so full with emotions, new experience, people and discover that I'm sure in some kind of way I'm changed. Not like I'm not the same old Soldza but I feel the difference inside, I feel I grew up a bit. There is nothing I regret. I've always said that we meet some persons for a reason even if the experience with them is not the one you would like to have, but that leads you to some other point. The same is with places and events, they move us deeper into our future. Step by step we're building our way forward.
As already some noticed I got really good along with Holland. Somehow I fell in love with Rotterdam in first 3 hours I was there and Dutch culture seemed so cool and more or less close to Latvian, that I felt appropriate there. That all gave me feeling - wanna stay. And as I've always fallowed my feelings not what my mind says  [I'm the person - "I feel like .." not "I think that .."], I decided to get a job and stay in Holland. So, from December 8th I'll be living in one of the craziest cities - Amsterdam. Who knows for how long. Will see where the next people, places and events will bring me ...

Pants is not my style.

So, for now I'll try to make the most of my 3 weeks left in Latvia. As my mom said - do something nuts, so you have what to remember in Amsterdam! This is funny how sometimes people act when they know that you have limited amount of time left. It's something like - what if today is your last day - you have to do all the things you've always wanted to do but never did. Love this feeling, should live like that more often.

Rdam, I will never ever forget u.

It's impossible to say in words how lucky I feel that I've met all the amazing people I've met in Holland. Keep in touch! Seriously!!! And come for a visit to Amsterdam!

My blog 'Soldza in Rdam is done', thanks for reading and fallowing and if you have a chance to do an EVS project - go for it! [this is not an ad ;)]

Your always awesome Soldza.